© Joke Van haver
Rein Van Bree (1984) received her Master’s Diplomas in Recorder, Chamber Music and Teaching, cum laude, from the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven, with Bart Coen and Bart Spanhove for recorder, and her Bachelor’s Diploma in Singing, with Dina Grossberger and Dirk Snellings.
For the recorder she attended masterclasses of Geert Van Gele, Kees Boeke, Pierre Hamon, Frederic de Roos, Paul Leenhouts, Erik Van Nevel, Barthold Kuijken, Fumiharu Yoshimine, Maurice Van Lieshout, Pedro Memelsdorff, Marion Verbruggen and Valerie Horst, among others.
She has also performed in various opera productions of Muziektheater Transparant and the Flemish Opera (dir. Ottavio Dantone).
She co-founded the recorder trio Aquil’AlterA.
She teaches at the Academy of Oudenaarde, Kunsthumaniora of Laken and at the Music Studio of Kalken and is also a member of the Early Music ensemble Mensurabilis.
For singing, she has participated in choir projects directed by Kurt Bikkembergs, Marnix De Cat, Louis Devos, Johan Duyck, Barthold Kuijken, Paul Schollaert, Christoph Siebert, Dirk Snellings, Johan Van Bouwelen, Hendrik Vanden Abeele, Erik Van Nevel, Bart Van Reyn en Philippe Herreweghe.
Middeleeuws ensemble
Medieval ensemble
Mensurabilis brengt klanken uit het Middeleeuwse verleden weer tot klinken.
Mensurabilis revives sounds
from the medieval past.
3210 Linden (Belgium)
Copyright © Mensurabilis